Next Level Course Creator

Learn how to turn your passion and expertise into a money-making digital course.

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I'm So Ready!

Finally! A course that gives you all of the information and tools needed to launch your own course!

Have you tried creating courses by Google-ing and YouTube-ing your way through it, and still didn't get the full picture? Unfortunately, most first-time course creators waste weeks, if not months, trying to Google and YouTube their way through creating and launching their first course.

I was once one of those people. Why? Because I could not find an all in one resource to teach me course creation, marketing, what platforms are available to use, how they compare to each other and how to put everything together. So like many other course creators before me, I trial and errored my way through it. I found what worked and what didn't. I had several very successful launches and was able to quit my 9-5 because of those successes. Now I am putting all of my course creating, marketing and launching expertise into one course for you to use.

Next Level Course Creator is the course I wish existed when I was first getting started in my business. This is your COMPLETE guide on how to launch your first course, or refine your existing course.

This course will show you how to take your passion and expertise and monetize them in the most effective way possible so you can scale your business to the max!

Next Level Course Creator takes you through the entire course creation journey.

  • Deciding on course topics and course outline worksheets
  • The different types of courses you can create and the different ways you can sell them
  • How to market, including done-for-you marketing templates
  • Building a website and sales page
  • Building an email list and engaged audience, including done-for-you email templates
  • Which platforms are available to use and how they compare to each other
  • How to relaunch and automate
  • How to shift your mindset for optimal results and so much more!

Why digital courses are great for both the creator AND the consumer:

For the creator- Digital courses are the most effective way to help more people and earn more money, without over extending yourself. In a traditional course it doesn't matter if you have 10 people enroll or 1,000 people enroll, your time and effort put into creating and launching the course is the same. It is not like 1:1 sessions that take up more and more of your time with each person you help. It is an optimal way to get your expertise out there to as many people as possible.

For the consumer- Digital courses are convenient and effective ways to gain the education they desire around a topic without the frustration of overwhelm, vague information or wasting their valuable time searching for answers on websites filled with ads and fluff.

Sign Me Up!

Breakdown of what you will find inside the course


You get LIFETIME access to the course, Q&A's and templates as well as any additional content that I add to the course forever, at no additional charge.

Course Contents:

Module 1 (Getting Started)- Videos, outlines and templates on: deciding on a course topic, different types of courses, what platforms to use, comparing available platforms and my personal recommendations, prerecorded Q&A

Module 2 (Building)- Videos, outlines and templates on: social media presence, audience and list building, freebie creations, course outlines, course creation and structure, pricing, prerecorded Q&A

Module 3 (Marketing and Launching)- Videos, outlines and templates on: launch strategy, evergreen strategy, sales pages, marketing, selling without being sleezy, mindset work, prerecorded Q&A

Module 4 (Celebrating and Refining)- Videos, outlines and templates on: celebrating your launch, refining the process, using client feedback for tweaks and marketing, relaunching, prerecorded Q&A

Module 5 (Scale to the Moon)- Videos, outlines and templates on: automation, hiring support, resilience, re-purposing email marketing, building a reputation of results, rinse and repeat processes, prerecorded Q&A

By the end of the course you will have everything you need to create a profitable course of your very own!

The investment for this course is $499 (Interest free payment options available at checkout.) 

I look forward to being a part of your course creation journey!

I Am Ready To Be A Course Creator!